13 sign astrology ​aligns us to the truth ​of the sky.


What IS 13 sign astrology!?

Have you ever heard of the sign Ophiuchus? Likely not. It's the constellation in the sky that sits between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This means that there are 13 zodiac signs, not just the 12 we commonly see in mainstream astrology. This system embraces all 13 signs, which usually means that your sun sign has changed.


I´m Jess, and I’m ​so excited to ​share 13 sign ​astrology with ​you.

I discovered 13 sign astrology when I was ​knee-deep in my astrology certification, which ​was focused on mainstream (Western) ​astrology. I didn’t want to believe it. How ​could there be 13 zodiac signs, and how could ​this not be common knowledge? Since then, I ​followed the deep knowing in my body to ​allow my curiosity to take me deeper down ​this path.

Now, I combine the knowledge that I’ve ​learned from my studies of Western astrology ​in with 13 sign astrology, having developed my ​own intuitive approach with it. In astrology, ​every chart is so different, and that’s what ​makes it so special. I can’t wait to explore ​yours with you!


“It’s difficult to express in words how​ incredibly insightful and enjoyable my 13-​sign astrology reading with Jessica was. I ​had never had an astrology reading nor ​did I know my 13-sign placements so this ​was a totally novel experience for me ​that really peeled back some layers and ​brought dimension to the way my ​character is reflected in my placements. ​Jessica was thoroughly prepared and ​shared my chart with thoughtful ​explanations and questions that helped ​me connect with the information. I can ​already feel that the reflections Jessica ​shared from my chart are going to help ​me embrace certain qualities more in ​order to feel more confident and in ​alignment with myself, and I feel like that ​was only scratching the surface! I highly ​recommend getting a reading with ​Jessica!”


Hormone Health Coach & Pilates ​Instructor

"GOD DAMN. Getting a reading ​from Jess was like getting a ​letter from the Universe saying ​YES KEEP GOING. I’ve had a few ​astrology readings but none as ​down to earth, understandable ​and actionable as this one. I feel ​fully seen and loved how easy ​Jess made it to understand my ​place in this world. I loved every ​second of our session."


Business Coach & Entrepreneur

“Jess is a gifted reader and trailblazer ​in the astrology space. I've worked with ​Jess over the last few months, ​deepening my understanding of my 13 ​sign chart and I've been blown away by ​her thorough, thoughtful, and ​compassionate delivery. Astrology ​charts are truly maps to the deepest ​parts of our being and Jess embodies ​this sacredness in every aspect of her ​readings and sessions. Jess has a ​special of way of seeing YOUR light - ​and articulating that through her ​interpretations of your placements. ​Discovering 13 Sign astrology was a ​very spiritual experience for me and ​working with Jess through the process ​was truly priceless. I highly, highly ​recommend Jess's readings to anyone ​who is ready to step into this system!”


Energy Worker & Earth Guide

Are you ready to explore this next ​version of yourself?


There are two ways that I can help you to unlock the magic of your 13 ​sign astrology chart:

Golden Astrology Wheel with Zodiac Signs

the astrological blueprint

If you’re completely new to astrology, or to the 13 sign system, the blueprint is where you'll want to start. It will outline your Sun, Moon, and Rising ​signs, which are the foundations of your chart. Each Blueprint is completely customized to your chart, as no two charts are ever the same!

Your Sun sign speaks to your personality and purpose.

Your moon sign speaks to how you find emotional nourishment

(great for relationships).

Think of your rising sign as the breadcrumbs that lead you to your purpose…this speaks to how you can unlock and embody your Sun sign.

After receiving the Astrological Blueprint you will:

have a clearer understanding of your life’s purpose.

understand what you need to feel nourished in your closest relationships.

learn HOW you can step into your purpose…I’m talking specifics.

After you purchase your blueprint, you will receive an email to submit your birth information. From there I will email you a completely customized PDF ​outline of your chart.

**Please allow 2 weeks turn around to receive your blueprint from time of purchase***

Golden Astrology Wheel with Zodiac Signs

1:1 focused astrology reading

After you’ve explored the foundations of your 13 sign chart through the Blueprint, it’s time for a deeper dive! You ask the ​questions, I dig up the answers according to your chart. Each reading is fully customized and every placement/aspect is ​taken into account.

I’ll ask that you submit a question or two that you have in any area of your life, and together we’ll explore how the answers can ​be found in your astrological birth chart.

Some example questions to ask:

I'm burnt out. How can I find balance between my personal life and career?

How can I focus on building wealth and abundance for myself based on my astrology chart?

What are my natural gifts that I’m meant to bring into my purpose/work, and how can I do that?

What are some karmic lessons holding me back that my soul came here to learn? How can I overcome them?

After receiving a 1:1 focused astrology reading you will:

learn what your unique gifts are when it comes to your career and exactly how you are meant to put them out into the world. ​Also, discover what type of career will help you THRIVE in your natural element.

earn how you’re meant to call in money without losing your soul to hustle culture, or doing it the “right way”. It’s time to do it ​YOUR way.

learn what qualities and areas of life you can lean into in order to create a more robust love life, diving into desires around ​marriage, children, home & family.

Sessions are held via zoom and are 90 minutes long. Sessions will be available to record for later reference. Plus, ​you will also receive a completely customized PDF outline of what we discuss in the reading to continue to refer ​back to.

If you are located in Austin, TX, please let me know and we can hold our session in person!


If you don't resonate with your horoscope, ​you are in the right place.

Not many people know this, but the alignment of the zodiac seasons has shifted. This means that your ​sun sign may have changed. By joining my email list, you’ll gain access to a free downloadable guide that ​explains each of the 13 sun signs, with the dates that align with this system (they are different from ​mainstream astrology). You’ll get to see right away if your sun sign has changed. Plus, follow along with ​me as I share insights and embodied wisdom from my own 13 sign journey.

Learn more on my podcast, Sisterhood of the Rose

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Episode 1:

Welcome to ​Sisterhood of the ​Rose! How it all began.

Episode 4:

What is 13 Sign ​Astrology?

Jess reads Lily’s chart ​LIVE!

Episode 5:

13 Sign Astrology ​Lived Experience!

Aries to Pisces & ​Integrating the ​Warrior Archetype

Episode 6:

13 Sign Astrology Lived


Sagittarius to Scorpio,


North & South Nodes,

& Embracing Transformations